Blackbird or Feathered King Kong?

Almost everyone who lives in Medford probably has seen the Black Bird statue located in front the the Black Bird Shopping Center on West Main St.  In comparison, Butte Falls’ Ralph Bunyan is a Michelangelo.  According to a May 12, 2022 post in The Oregonian, the 29 foot statue dates back to 1965.  A now deceased businessman named Lee Hobbs owned an army surplus store, and thinking it needed more visibility, devised the critter. Built of re-bar, hog wire, and fiber glass, it has managed to survive for over 57 years despite bad weather and occasional automotive mishaps.

I can only say that the Black Bird gives my avian friends a bad name.  It is a completely inaccurate rendering.  Perhaps it was intended to be threatening in the manner common to 1960’s horror movies.  On the other hand, locals probably would be sad to see it take flight as it has become a landmark.  And, the shop has prospered, having grown from a 10,000 sf surplus store to over 50,000 sf. The business has been so successful that another one will be built on the S. Pacific Highway in the Phoenix area, but alas (or not), minus a large bird.

Anyone who has shopped at the Black Bird will testify that you can find almost anything.  This includes guns and ammunition, which presumably is the reason for the warning on the entrance (see photograph).  We were a little puzzled by the “No Tweakers” signs–are there problematic clientele?  For more information about the store:      —      Anne

We have traveled far and wide to bring you the best in oddities, and at last, after great effort, we are finally able to give  you… The Bird!

I vaguely remember that in the dim recesses of prehistory the store used to have a live bird (Gray Parrot?), but when it died they decided to go with something more immortal, like fiberglass.

In addition to its elaborately eclectic stock, I regard the store as a cultural landmark, or milestone, or something.  Over here on the E side of the tracks businesses tend to have wimpy little door signs like “No Weapons of Any Kind Permitted,” but The Bird is a W side kind of store and recognizes that you might need to slap that clip in pronto.

Also in keeping with the general ambience, in good weather there is a gentleman stationed by the front door grilling American hot dogs for sale.  I have looked around for the imports, so far unsuccessfully — will probably have to go to Ashland to find those

Travel Directions:

  1. Find downtown Medford (follow City Center signs from the freeway exits)
  2. Go west on Main Street (your only choice; it’s one-way).
  3. Avoid getting trapped in the wrong lane when the street turns two-way
  4. Shortly thereafter you will arrive at 1810 W. Main St., Home of The Bird  — but don’t bother to squint at house numbers as you drive, it will be abundantly obvious when you are close.


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