Once upon a time, in the age of COVID, there were two aging and mildly(?) eccentric chums, A and B.  As restrictions eased, they yearned to explore their local environs for cultural and geographic places of interest– the odder, the better.  However, being  open minded, some places that might not be considered peculiar were deemed worthy of investigation, and Northern California somehow got merged in with Oregon.  Thus, Oregon Oddities began.

With childlike faith that others would be interested in their idiosyncrasies, they established this website so that family and friends might share in their discoveries.

An explanation of the features presented:

Roadside Attractions (neither A nor B  is up to serious walking)

Locations suggested as odd, peculiar, unusual or weird by somebody else.

Things discovered and diagnosed by one or both.

Miscellaneous stuff that just kind of happened.

So dust off your sense of wonder, suspend disbelief, and enjoy!